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Professor Karl Behrendt

Elizabeth Creak Chair in Agri-Tech Economic Modelling

Karl is the Founding Director of the Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics at Harper Adams University, which works to analyse the role of innovative agricultural technologies using economics and science (see the GIATE website for further information). He is the International Society of Precision Agriculture Economics Community Leader, a member of The Food and Drink Sector Council, Agricultural Productivity Task Force – Research & Innovation Group, and a Technical Sub-Committee Member of the British Standards Institute developing the Code of Practice for the use of crop robots in agriculture and horticulture.


He has over 25 years industry experience in farm and agribusiness management, agricultural consulting, extension and research. His current focus is on working with industry and other research institutions to provide economic intelligence and agri-tech solutions for UK and global agriculture and value chains. His core discipline is in the area of bioeconomic modelling of agro-ecological systems and decision support for farmers and policy development.


Karl is also Adjunct Research Professor at Charles Sturt University in Australia and part of the China International Talent Program with Inner Mongolia Agricultural University.

Key papers

  • Lowenberg-DeBoer, J.; Behrendt, K.; Ehlers, M-H.; Dillon, C.; Gabriel, A.; Huang, I.; Kumwenda, I.; Mark, T.; Meyer-Aurich, A.; Milics, G.; Olgunju, K.O.; Pedersen, S.M.; Shockley, J.; Rose, D. (2021).  Impact of Regulation on the Adoption of Autonomous Equipment for Field Crops. Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy. 1-17.

  • May, D.; Arancibia, S.; Behrendt, K.; Adams. J. (2019). Assessing the effectiveness of the young farmer payment in preventing young farmers from leaving the farm: a behavioural approach. Land Use Policy, 82, (March 2019) 317-327. doi:

  • Brown, C, Bennett J, Qiao G, Lkhagvadorj D, Addison J, Gombosuren U, Kemp D, Han G, Behrendt K, Li P. (2020). Strengthening Policy Incentives. Chapter 8, In C. Brown (Ed) Common Grasslands in Asia: a comparative analysis of Chinese and Mongolian Grasslands. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham UK. pp 165-174 (ISBN: 978 1 78897 404 2) 


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